What is a Thinking Environment?
A Thinking Environment is a combination of behaviors that enable people to think clearly and freely, for themselves, as themselves, and think well together, as a group.
Thinking Environment expertise is easy to learn, produces exceptional results, and saves time.
It’s universal. It works.
Anywhere, for anyone, in any situation.
“We cannot change the world if we are not capable of changing our way of thinking, only through collectively changing our way of thinking will we change our world”

Why does it matter?
A Thinking Environment is important because:
Everyone matters; everyone’s thinking matters.
We ALL deserve to be seen, heard, and appreciated. To be treated with dignity and respect.
The quality of our actions and results are a result of the quality of our thinking.
When we think better, we feel better, and we perform better.
We are more disconnected and distracted than ever before.
To succeed in this changing, fast-paced world we need a place of inquiry, a safe space to think well, to connect, and to respond.
How do you create a Thinking Environment?
The way we treat others determines how well they can think for, and be, themselves
There are 10 behaviors that seem to make the biggest difference and we call them the Ten Components
When any one behavior is present, we do better. When all 10 are in place as a system, and they become the way we do business, the way we communicate, lead, relate…..then we do our BEST thinking which results in better outcomes and stronger relationships.
“When will we make the same breakthroughs in the way we treat each other as we have made in technology?”
From common sense to common practice
Change starts in our head, with a thought.
So, it seems common sense – though it doesn’t seem to be common practice – that if we want to create any kind of change one of the best investments of time and energy we can make is to:
think about HOW we think.
When was the last time you did that?
Most people don’t take the time to think about the way they think.
Or how they treat others in their presence who are thinking.
Most people are not thinking for themselves.
It doesn’t come naturally.
Instead, for a multitude of reasons, they are complying, conforming, competing, and relying on others to think for them.
People around them are directing, advising, derailing, and interrupting, because they don’t understand how to help others to think for themselves.
Our minds were designed to think for themselves. It’s the human part of human nature.
To thrive (rather than simply survive) in our work, our lives, and our communities, we need to be able to think well:
to think for ourselves.
to help others think for themselves
This requires new expertise because independent thinking is different.
I can show you how.
So you are not “most people”.